Youth (grades 6-12) have their own space to call their own! In addition to weekly Sunday School and Youth Group, our young followers of Jesus participate in mission trips (local and abroad!), service projects, skate church, fundraisers, and inter-generational programming. Come and see what all of the excitement is about!
30 Hour Famine
We fast for 30 hours and collect food and money for hunger initiatives like World Vision and our local CareNet of Macon County.
Youth Group
Dive In! We study, learn, and serve as we have fun. Join us on Sunday evenings at 5:00 in Memorial Hall.
The Skatepark
Currently, our Skatepark is being leased by the town for open skate.
Sunday School
Age-appropriate scripture-based lessons that engage teens through activities, discussion and fun!
Mission Trips
Each summer we take a trip to serve others. Local, in another state, or even internationally!
Safe Sanctuary Policy
God calls us to create communities of faith where children and adults grow safe and strong. The purpose for establishing this Youth, Children and Vulnerable Adult Abuse Protection Policy, and accompanying procedure is to demonstrate our absolute and unwavering commitment to the physical safety and spiritual growth of all children, youth and vulnerable adult.
Click here to view the policy.