Our offerings for young adults, middle adults, and "more-experienced" adults are numerous and varied. Our Sunday School classes, Disciple Bible study groups, and continuing education classes are Bible-based and encourage discussion and life-long learning.

Sunday Morning
We offer a variety of classes every Sunday morning at 9:00 am. Come for service at 10:00.

Disciple Bible Study
We regularly have a session of the Disciple series going on. Find out how you can be a part of the Disciple journey.

United Women of Faith
UM Women meet monthly for Bible study, fun, and fellowship.

Weekday Offerings
Whether it's at morning, noon, or afternoon, we're always growing and learning. We welcome you to check out our special opportunities, like our Sisters Bible Study, Come and See, or B3 Group offerings.

Special Offerings
From Men's Bible Study to special classes on what it means to be a United Methodist, join us to learn more about your faith. We offer special book studies and discussion groups, Lenten and Advent studies, exploration of Scripture passages, and special prayer services.