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Virtual Bazaar 2020

Friday - Saturday, July 24 - 25

For 30 years, FUMC Franklin has held the Missions Bazaar on the last weekend of July at the Macon County Fairgrounds.  Countless hours have been volunteered, raising over $600,000 which has provided funds for local, regional, national, and global mission work.

Although we cannot hold the Bazaar as we have in the past, we will gather virtually and in spirit on July 27 - 28 and work together to build a better world!

The Bazaar may look a little different in 2020, and you won't get to take home any physical "treasures," but we invite you to support of our mission partners, local organizations, and projects beyond our local community. 

Due to the COVID-19 Pandemic, this year the need for contributions to Missions is larger than ever, especially for folks who are directly impacted in the areas of food insecurity, social services, and medical needs.

Matthew 6:21

"For where your treasure is,

there your heart will be also."


Instead of

  • contributing "STUFF" to the Bazaar this year, or

  • contributing my TIME to the Bazaar this year, or

  • buying "STUFF" from the Bazaar this year,


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